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Tell the Truth Page 4

Chapter 6

  February 2018

  ‘She said there are things I should know about my past,’ I said, as Angela and I sat next to each other on my sofa. I admit, I’d have preferred to be with Zoe, who I could rely on to pull me round and tell me I was daft to worry, but she was always so busy with work and her new romance with Connor – who was so cute she could eat him, apparently.

  Angela’s eyes were fixed on mine. Her curiosity, or maybe the wine, made them sparkle. ‘What do you think she meant?’

  I shrugged. ‘She gets confused,’ I said, stating the obvious.

  ‘I know, sweetie. It must be dreadful for you both.’ Angela leaned forward and filled our wine glasses for the third time, before handing me my glass. I wasn’t sure I wanted another. I certainly didn’t need a hangover tomorrow. But I took it anyway.

  ‘She isn’t herself at all,’ I said. Another obvious.

  ‘How much do you know about your past?’ she asked.

  I shrugged again. ‘I was born in Ireland, County Sligo, but I can’t remember that far back. We moved to Suffolk when I was about four, I think.’

  ‘So, you’re Irish?’ she said, leaning forward, elbows on knees, as though the topic fascinated her.

  ‘Half Irish – although my father could have been Irish, I guess.’

  ‘You don’t know who he is?’

  Angela had asked about my dad before, but I’d changed the subject. I hadn’t known her well enough at the time to discuss my personal life. She often pried into areas I wasn’t ready to share with her. In fact, she’d only lived next door a week when she brought round moussaka that I could pop into the oven, gas mark 5, and a bottle of wine. She’d seen Lawrence go out for the third time that week, and thought I’d be glad of the company. I’d invited her in, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

  But despite her flaws, she’d become a good friend. A friend I relied on to look after Grace.

  I shook my head. ‘I’ve asked my mother lots of times over the years who my father was, tried prodding her memory – but she’s always insisted he was a one-night stand, and she’d been too drunk to even remember his name.’

  ‘Do you know where in Sligo you lived as a child?’

  I shook my head again.

  ‘Could you ask your grandparents?’

  ‘They died in a car accident before I was born. My mum was never close with them. And I have no other family.’

  I tried to shake my mum’s comment from my head. I liked that my memories started in Suffolk, that they were such happy times spent with my mum. But now I felt my curiosity rise, drawn to Ireland – to Sligo.

  ‘You should find out more about your grandparents, at least. I’ve done a family tree, and it’s been fascinating discovering things I never knew.’

  ‘But they may not be relevant to what Mum said. I think I just need to talk to her next time I visit, wait for one of her more lucid moments, and ask her what she meant – before it’s too late.’

  My mood was spiralling downwards, like a child on a helter-skelter. I needed to change the subject, and managed to pluck a smile from somewhere. ‘Anyway. Enough about me. How’s the dating going?’

  ‘Awful,’ she said, leaning back, and peering over her almost empty glass. She was drinking too fast – and I wasn’t far behind her. ‘I feel like a fool selling myself to strangers. And the bra and knickers stage scares me half to death.’

  I laughed. ‘It’s not easy,’ I agreed. ‘Have you met anyone you like?’

  She shrugged. ‘There was one bloke. But after a couple of dates he told me he was married. Separated, he insisted, but I couldn’t face being part of a love triangle. I’ve been there before.’

  ‘You have?’

  ‘Mmm.’ She nodded. ‘A long time ago.’

  ‘Was it serious?’ I said, clutching at the opportunity to find out more about her. For a person who was so inquisitive about my life, she’d given little away about her own.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. ‘Anyway.’ Her eyes sprung open, and I knew the little insight into her past had ended. ‘There was another bloke I quite liked. He was a bit young though.’

  I raised a brow. ‘How young exactly?’

  ‘Thirty – give or take a few years.’

  ‘Oh my God, Angela, you devil.’

  ‘I felt like his sugar mummy.’

  I smiled. ‘Is there such a thing?’

  She shook her head. ‘A panther then …’


  We burst into laughter, my mood lifting.

  ‘I think I’ll be alone forever,’ she said, fiddling with her earring as she drained her glass.

  ‘You and me both.’

  ‘But you will always have Grace.’ She unscrewed the lid of the third bottle, and filled our glasses.

  ‘Yes, Grace keeps me going,’ I said, rubbing my forehead with the tips of my fingers. ‘Although I worry about her, you know, how my breakup with Lawrence is affecting her. Nursery said she’s been a bit quiet lately, but they have no concerns.’

  ‘She loves you both very much, and you love her. She’ll be just fine.’

  ‘I hope so,’ I said, my mind drifting.

  And as though sensing she was losing me, Angela put down the bottle, looped her arm around me, and pulled my head in to her shoulder. She smelt of Chanel No.5 – Mum’s favourite. ‘Is there anything else bothering you, Rachel?’ she said.

  ‘Just Mum.’ But in truth it was more than that. It was Lawrence. It was the fact I was letting the friend request from David Green blow out of proportion. And I’d definitely had far too much wine.

  ‘I’ll deactivate my Facebook account,’ I said. ‘Then the friend request can’t bother me any more. And the truth is I look at Lawrence’s timeline far too often. That can’t be healthy, especially as he seems to be having more fun than me – which isn’t that difficult.’

  ‘Do you miss him?’

  I shrugged. Do I miss him? ‘I miss bits of him,’ I said. ‘The good bits.’ And there had been good bits. We had a beautiful daughter together. He would surprise me with flowers and a bottle of Prosecco, and lead me upstairs where we’d stay for hours. Yes, there’d been good times. Lots of them.

  But there had been bad times too, and his voice suddenly hammered in my head: ‘You always over-react, Rachel.’ ‘The place is a pigsty.’ ‘You’re a mess.’ ‘Aren’t you getting a bit old for bright red hair?’ ‘Your mum isn’t going to improve, and you have to accept it, and just get on with it.’ ‘I’ll be late tonight.’ ‘I’ll be late tonight.’ ‘I’ll be late tonight.’

  I grabbed my open laptop, thumped it down on my knees, and clicked into Facebook, determined to close my account. ‘Oh God, I’ve got another friend request,’ I cried, peering at the little symbol at the top of the screen.

  ‘Don’t look at it,’ Angela insisted, trying to pull the laptop from me.

  I tugged it back. ‘No, no, I’m not going to.’ But I was already clicking on the symbol with shaking fingers.

  Relief surged through my body, and I let out a small laugh.

  ‘Who’s it from?’ she said, looking over my shoulder at the screen.

  ‘You, you doughnut.’

  She’d said a few weeks back that she was going to sign up, to stalk the men on the dating site, she’d joked. I gave another laugh as my heart, which I hadn’t realised was racing, slowed to an even beat.

  ‘Oh, yes, I forgot about that.’ She laughed too. ‘I don’t suppose I’ll use it that much. It took me all afternoon to work out how to set up a bloody profile.’

  I accepted her friend request.

  ‘But I thought you were going to deactivate.’ Her forehead furrowed.

  I shrugged, confused. ‘To be honest I feel a teeny bit pissed – not the best time to make such a life-changing decision.’ I giggled, picked up my glass, and drained it in two gulps, even though a nagging voice in my head was telling me not to.

  Angela yawned and, stretching her arms above her head, gl
anced at the time on her phone.

  ‘Oh my God,’ I said, looking at the clock on the wall. ‘It’s gone midnight. I’ve kept you up.’

  ‘No problem,’ she said, rising. ‘It’s been fun. Better than a blind date any day.’

  Five minutes later we hugged goodbye and, from my front door, I watched her stagger towards her house. Once she was safely inside, I closed and bolted my door, hating that I was alone – and hating even more that I hated being alone. I flumped down on the sofa, and picked up my phone, moving my index finger over the screen. Would Lawrence be up? Would he mind if I called? He’d said we could be friends.

  I squeezed my hand into a fist. It was a ridiculous idea. If I called him after midnight he would be put out. He’d always told me he needed his beauty sleep if I ever woke him in the night desperate to talk about Mum.

  I reached for the half-drunk bottle of red, unscrewed the lid, and refilled my glass. As I drank, I couldn’t expel Lawrence from my head. How happy we’d been in the early days. We’d met at an art exhibition I’d put on for Mum, in a small gallery in London. He’d bought a study of Lough Gill in Ireland.

  ‘It’s the lake mentioned by Yeats in his poetry,’ he’d said, locking me in with his grey gaze.

  ‘You like Yeats?’ I’d asked.

  He’d nodded, and there was something about him that had captured my interest. Maybe it was simply because my mother had read Yeats and other romantic poetry to me when I was young.

  I finished the wine and, my good sense heading out the door, brought up his number on my phone. I pressed call. It rang and rang, and I was expecting it go to voicemail when it was picked up. ‘Lawrence Templeman’s phone.’

  It was a woman. American. Why has a woman picked up his phone after midnight?

  ‘Hello,’ she continued when I remained silent. ‘Is that you, Rachel?’

  Damn you, caller-ID. ‘Sorry, yes, who is this?’

  ‘It’s Farrah.’ It was as though I should know exactly who she was. ‘Lawrence is asleep, I’m afraid. I heard his phone and, well …’ She paused. ‘Is everything OK? Is your mother OK?’

  I bristled. Why had Lawrence told this woman, whoever she was, about my mum?

  ‘Is Grace OK?’ The sudden thought of a strange woman in the same house as my daughter angered me.

  ‘Yes, she’s been asleep since seven, bless her heart. She’s an absolute delight. You must be so proud.’

  I wanted to yell that I was coming to get my daughter, and how dare Lawrence let her into Grace’s life without my permission? But I said nothing.

  Farrah clearly picked up on my silence. ‘Are you OK?’

  ‘Yes, yes, I’m fine. Listen, I shouldn’t have called.’ My voice trembled, and I knew it carried a slur. ‘I’ll ring back in the morning.’ And before she could respond, I ended the call.

  A surge of tears hit my eyes as my thumbs thumped the screen and I sent a text to Lawrence:

  How dare you let someone new into Grace’s life without telling me!

  Oh God, would Farrah read the text? I let out an exasperated wail, raced upstairs, chucked my phone onto the bedside unit, and threw myself onto the bed like a lovelorn teenager. The room spun.

  Eventually sleep saved me from my chaotic emotions.

  Later, I woke from a vivid nightmare, certain something had stirred me. I was thirsty, my head throbbed, and the quilt was tangled around me like a cocoon. I normally planted a glass of water on my bedside table if I’d been drinking, but in my silly stupor a few hours earlier, I’d forgotten. I was still in my clothes.

  I lay for a few moments listening, but the only sounds were familiar creaks of the old building, and the distant rumble of a train. It was odd how when Grace wasn’t with me, I felt more insecure.

  I untangled the quilt, sat up, and swung my legs round, stuffing my feet into my slippers. I needed water before my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth.

  Flicking on the bedside light, I picked up my phone: 3 a.m.

  I thought again about Lawrence. Were there photos of Farrah on his Facebook timeline that I’d missed? I dragged my fingers through my hair, still feeling pretty pissed. Water could wait. I clicked into Facebook on my mobile.

  It was then that I saw it – another friend request. My heart bounced around my chest.


  I clicked on his profile. As before, he didn’t appear to have any friends. His profile picture was another view, a mountain this time – and I knew it was Benbulbin in Sligo. The cover picture was of a building that reminded me of a workhouse, and it had a sign outside that read ‘Glastons Insurance. Dublin’.

  I scrolled down his timeline. Just one status update:

  Ronan, Ronan is no good

  Chop him up for firewood

  But this time I noticed he’d sent me a message.

  Chapter 7

  September 1999

  Incessant rain hammers against the window – a clap of thunder rings out. It doesn’t wake him.

  One strike to his head, so he doesn’t fight back – but now he wakes, dazed – tries to speak – no words come out.

  I plunge the knife deep into his flesh – once, twice, three times. The blood sprays and spurts like a bright red fountain, covering me – metallic on my lips.

  He’s holding on to life – too young to die – refusing to let go, reaching up to me, eyes pleading. He thinks I’ll stop. Poor Ronan.

  I lurch forward. The knife goes in one final time – deeper, and I twist, hearing his ribs crack.

  They’ll know it’s me this time, but I don’t care.

  Ronan Murphy deserves to die.

  Chapter 8

  March 1987

  Kneeling in front of the loo, Laura buried her head in her hands, waiting for another wave of nausea to hit. It would soon pass, once the digestive biscuit she’d eaten on waking took effect.

  She rose, padded to the sink, and splashed her face with cold water. This would be so much easier if Jude was with her – but he hadn’t replied to her calls. And she’d already stayed at her parents’ house longer than she’d envisaged, unable to find the strength to put it on the market and move on. For now the woods and lake felt different to when she was a lonely child. She liked the solitude. The isolation.

  She’d received a couple of letters from acquaintances at university, asking if she was OK, was there anything they could do, but she hadn’t replied. Paralysed by the twin poles of grief – the loss of the parents who never loved her, and Jude not changing his mind – she found she couldn’t reach out them.

  She headed down the stairs, tightening her robe, knowing her face was the colour of dough. She needed to shower, to clean her teeth, but first, some coffee.

  Despite liking the quiet of the area, the house still felt far too big. Sometimes it was as though she was on display – an exhibit in a glass case. Why had her parents loved this house so much? Her father had said the window gave them a splendid view of the lake, and she supposed it did, but what about feeling vulnerable on the other side of the glass?

  She drifted into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Should she try to get hold of Jude again? Was she beginning to act like a stalker? Never giving up when she knew, deep down, it was over.

  She’d tried the number of his digs so many times, but either it went to answer machine, or his roommate answered and promised to pass on a message. But Jude had never got back to her. She’d even tried his parents’ house, but his father had picked up and told her with a bark to stop calling.

  She made herself a mug of coffee – she’d gone off tea – and stood at the kitchen window sipping it. The kitchen looked out onto a lonely country road. It was a rarity to see a car pass by – it was too quiet at times, just as it had been when she was a child. She’d had no friends nearby back then, and travelled a fair distance to school by bus.

  A postman appeared, cycling round the bend, and her heart almost lit up at the sight of another human being.

sp; Maybe she should get herself a cat. At least she could speak to it, even if it didn’t answer – it was better than talking to herself, which seemed to be happening more and more.

  ‘It’s Postman Pat,’ she said, rubbing a hand over her stomach, which barely showed a baby was growing inside her. ‘He’s coming to see us, peanut,’ she added, as he propped his bike against the wall.

  There was a clatter, as three letters dropped through the letterbox and onto the mat. She headed over and picked them up. There was a letter from her solicitor sorting out the ownership of the house and the money her parents had left her, a phone bill, and a handwritten expensive-looking envelope. She ripped open the final letter, her eyes filling with tears as she read the words:

  Dear Miss Hogan,

  It’s come to our attention that you are carrying our son’s baby. We realise you are probably concerned and distressed too and so we would like to offer you the money to have a termination in a private clinic and a lump sum for you to make a fresh start; on the condition you no longer contact Jude. He has a bright future ahead of him, which I’m sure you already know, and I’m also sure you want a similarly bright future for yourself, without trying to raise a baby on your own. We all agree it’s for the best if you and he have no more to do with each other. It was foolish of you to get into this predicament. But it’s easily rectified. Please contact us at your earliest convenience, so we can arrange an appointment.


  Bruce Henshaw

  She ripped the letter into shreds, dropping to her knees as she sobbed. How could they?

  The tears stopped eventually, and she laid her head down on the floor and closed her eyes, small sobs escaping as she drifted off to sleep.

  It was dark when she woke. Realising she’d slept all day, she blinked to clear the sleep from her eyes and stretched her aching limbs. The pain from reading the letter had subsided, replaced with anger.

  She walked through the house, moonlight touching the dark lounge as she made her way through the shadows and the pockets of pure black. She moved closer to the window and looked out at the lake. Someone was out there – just as they had been on the first night. She’d dismissed it then as a trick of the light, but tonight, there was no doubting the silhouette she’d seen.